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📐 Smart Contract Guidelines

When creating a new smart contract project, use the guidelines below to ensure your project meets our basic standards of quality.



Any external or public functions need to be analyzed to determine whether the contract can be attacked if a user re-enters that function or another.

Safe ERC20 Usage

ERC20 token interactions should always use SafeERC20 safeApprove and safeTransferFrom in the OpenZeppelin library.

Math Overflow and Underflow

Any math operations need to be checked for overflow and underflow conditions, using SafeMath or similar.

Trusted External Calls

The contract should minimize trust in external calls.


Typed Arguments

All arguments, whether to an event or function, must be typed when possible. address types should be avoided in favor of contract or interface types

Logs Emitted

Events must be emitted for any significant state change or event.


Names and documentation must be spelled correctly with no grammatical errors.



A complete readme must be included with the project. It needs:

  • a complete description
  • usage
  • setup instructions
  • all test commands
  • deployment instructions and information
  • information on any additional scripts


Contracts must have (at minimum):

  • @title: short title. shouldn't repeat the description
  • @notice: descriptive enough so that the reader understands the intent of the contract.

Functions must have (at minimum):

  • @notice: explain what the function does
  • @param: explain each parameter
  • @return: explain the return param(s)

Events must have (at minimum):

  • @notice: describe when the event is emitted
  • @param: describe each of the args


Code Coverage

  • Coverage must exceed 95%
  • A coverage tag must be included in the README

Unit Tests

  • There must be a test suite for each contract
  • Functions should be tested in isolation as much as possible
  • Unit tests must run locally; i.e. they do not connect to a remote node.

Fork Test

  • A fork test script tests the contracts in the real world


  • All external / public functions should return a value when possible (to save gas)
  • Structs must be tightly packed
  • Values that don't change should be constants